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Mammoth Cave National Park - Real Haunts in Mammoth Cave KY

  • Mammoth Cave, KY
  • (270) 758-2180
Average Review
  (4 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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Yes - Open To Public
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Crystal Cave, once owned by Floyd Collins, is said to be haunted by Floyd himself. His ghost has been heard calling for help, and objects have been known to be thrown from an unknown source. African American slave apparitions have also been spotted in the caves here.
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  • Sunset Terrace is definitely haunted

    While visiting the National Park in 2021, we stayed at the Sunset Terrace Hotel for two nights. During the second night after seeing a creepy little girl alone outside our window earlier that day, my son was awakened during the night and could clearly see a dark silhouette moving around our room. The next morning, there was a bony silhouette handprint on the mirror that was definitely not there previously. We have the handprint picture. My son who was 12 at the time was terrified. It was a beautiful place, but most definitely haunted. Later when we got back home, I found a tee shirt wadded up in my son's closet from Mammoth Cave. I asked him why it was there like that and he said he cannot even look at it or think about that place without becoming terrified. We threw out the shirt. LOL!!

    Posted 1/19/24

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  • Sandy Cave

    I go here quiet often .but never after dark ? But I haven't saw nothing out of the ordinary..it is creepy none the less. THINKING ABOUT HOW AWFUL IT MUST HAVE BEEN FOR MR FLOYD COLLINS TO BE TRAPPED INSIDE. I knew the immediate family of Floyd Collins and I have looked and touched Mr Collins rifle. I WANTED TO PURCHASE IT BUT , THE FAMILY MEMEBER WOULDNT PART WITH IT .

    Posted 1/16/23

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  • false

    went on the longest cave tour available and nothing happened, was an amazing experience though.

    Posted 7/27/22

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful


    I love going to mammoth cave and go there all the time. we have gone into almost every part and nothing ever happens. I have been to the exact place they are talking about. the only scary part is thinking you will fall. this is a story about someone who is probley delerios. no haunts to be found here

    Posted 9/22/20

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    2 out of 6 found this review helpful

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Contact Phone #: (270) 758-2180

Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 4,516
Clicks to Website: 123
Last edit to this listing: 4/28/2017 (2886 days ago)

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