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Whispers on Whiskey Row: Murder, Crime & the Ghost of Derby City

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  (1 review)
Scare Factor
A little Scary
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Ages 12+
Organization Type
Commercial / For Profit
Listing Categories
Ghost Tours, Gothic History Tours
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Wheelchair Accessible, Outdoor Event(s), Touching Not Allowed, Parking Fees May Apply
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Have you been to Whispers on Whiskey Row: Murder, Crime & the Ghost of Derby City? Then share photos of your experience!

Step into the shadows of the past on a haunting history tour through the heart of downtown Louisville. As the sun sets and the city’s vibrant façade fades, you’ll uncover the sinister secrets and chilling tales that lurk behind the historic architecture & storied streets.

One part ghosts, one part grisly history that is, sadly, entirely true, this guided 1.5-hour walking tour through downtown Louisville unveils the deepest, darkest corners of Louisville’s gruesome past. Wander through dimly lit alleyways behind bustling Whiskey Row and along the shores of the murky Ohio River, where the echoes of bygone eras resound with tragic tales of the forlorn, the oppressed, the betrayed, and the ruthless.

From a ghost that still haunts a glamorous hotel to the tragic riots of Bloody Monday, you’ll trace the cursed footsteps of criminals, mobsters, bootleggers, enslavers, and murderers in the city streets they once roamed – and the spirits whose souls never left.

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All photos and videos within this listing are the property of Whispers on Whiskey Row: Murder, Crime & the Ghost of Derby City
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Please meet your tour guide 15 minutes early at the George Rogers Clark Statue on the Belvedere Plaza in downtown Louisville. To get to the statue, walk up the ramp at 5th & Main. The Belvedere cannot be accessed by car, so you’ll need to find parking nearby. Google Maps Link: https://www.google.com/maps/@38.2567897,-85.7581817,3a,75y,6.94h,91.08t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sI-x6y7zYvJtOKuF5JLOGQg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu

Recent Reviews

  • Fun

    The tour was very informative and interesting, some talk about ghosts, history, and crime in earlier times. Overall good tour!

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    Posted August 2024

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Whispers on Whiskey Row: Murder, Crime & the Ghost of Derby City
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