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Gates of Hell/Grandview Cemetery/Kasey's Cemetery - West of Elizabthtown KY Real Haunt

  • Old Hardinsburg Road
  • West of Elizabthtown, KY
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Grandview Cemetery is also known as Kasey's Cemetery, or the Gates of Hell. It contains graves that date back to the 1700s and 1800s, as well as the ruins of an iron and stone gate. Witnesses have reported seeing an enormous green orb that hovered for a short time before shooting straight up into the sky. Others have claimed to hear screams, see shadowy figures, and have car trouble while on the grounds.
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  • Been there a few times

    Moved up to Grayson County in 2018 and heard all the hype about this haunted graveyard. Went in multiple occasions and never saw anything. Never felt anything. Some of the weird stuff out there like the baby dolls hanging from the trees were creepy but not scary. It’s in a man’s private property too and there is evidence surveillance of everyone that enters. Never got in trouble for trespassing, but just a heads up. I was more scared of hitting a dear on those dark roads than anything I was told would happen there.

    Posted 8/1/24

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  • Kacey cemetery/ gates of hell

    Kacey cemetery most known as Gates of Hell in Elizabeth Kentucky. It was 2008 about July and me and my friends decided we want to go to kacey cemetery and check it out. we pull into this long driveway, this driveway had to be 10 miles long and it seemed that our headlight got dimmerand dimmer as we go on. So we finally get there and you can’t see the grave yard from were we parked you have to walk in the woods if you want to see them. So when we first pulled up you could feel the energy that we weren’t meant to be there. My buddy got out to pee and heard somthing in the woods and I freaked out because I didn’t want to be there in the first place and he was not getting in the truck fast enough and i was gunna leave him up. so know you know that Kacey Cemetery Is haunted, I know there are more scarer story's about this place than mine.

    Posted 9/15/23

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 7,212
Last edit to this listing: 4/28/2017 (2869 days ago)

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