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Lick Creek Cemetery - Dawson Springs KY Haunted Place

  • Lick Creek Rd.
  • Dawson Springs, KY
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  (4 reviews)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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At this cemetery, visitors have reported glowing eyes, apparitions, and objects that fade in and out of sight.
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  • Lick creek road

    Some if my friends and I brought a emf reader to the cemetery and we got to the tree on the right side of the road and noticed that it looked like there was a body if maybe a older person and a child and held the reader to it and it went up to orange and then talked to what we believed was a spirit and went over some and said to try to get the emf to red and it started to go up and some of us ran away but the one holding it stayed and right after we left the reader went up to red.

    Posted 11/19/23

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  • Everything changed

    Not worth the drive out there, I went with my buddies expecting to see the paranormal from all the other reviews and things I’ve read on this place, you can’t get out to the actual cemetery bc someone has since bought the church and turned it into a house?? Not to mention the little bit of gravestones you can visit are right next to a road that was fairly busy. Don’t waste your time.

    Posted 3/3/22

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  • Lick cemetery demonic entity's experience

    Took pictures an then got them developed an there was 6 6 6 wrote in smoke up in the picture then at my apartment there a few days later was growling coming out the closet felt something was pushed down on my bed an shit begin flung off shelfs

    Posted 10/17/21

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  • My car broke down???

    Went to the cemetery today and used a spirit box. When I asked if "anyone knew my name", it said my name back to me. I got pretty freaked out and left. About 2 miles down the road, my car breaks down. Can a ghost make your car malfunction?? Stay tuned....

    Posted 6/12/20

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    5 out of 6 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,225
Last edit to this listing: 4/28/2017 (2891 days ago)

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