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Cayces' Pumpkin Patch

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Pumpkin Patches, Hay Rides (Kid Friendly), Mazes / Corn Mazes (Kid Friendly)
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Cayces' Pumpkin Patch offers the best in fall farm fun, from riding on the hay wagon to picking your own pumpkins. Come play in the corn box and soy bean box in the barn. Shell corn with the old corn sheller. Find your way through the straw maze. Smell the tobacco hanging in the barn. Play on the gym set. Get lost in the corn maze or better yet, bring your flashlight and find you way through the maze at night!

Pick-Your-Own Pumpkin Patch:
Want to pick your own pumpkins? Take a ride on the wagon, and pick your favorite pumpkins. We have lots of different sizes, colors, and varieties to choose from.

Our corn maze is filled with twist and turns that’s good farmin’ fun for adults and kids alike! See how adventurous you are as you wind through the maze! The corn maze this year is in the shape of a pumpkin. For families with young children, walk through our soy bean maze in the shape of a cow. This maze is the perfect size for little ones and stress free for parents! Just follow the path.

Private bonfire sites are available with advance notice . Guests may bring their own items (no alcohol permitted). Contact us to book your bonfire today .

The Barn:
There are a lot of things to do in the barn for people of any age or size!! In the barn you will find a Corn box and Soybean box with hidden treasures for the kids. There is also a straw maze in the barn for small children.

The Education Experience:
Cayces' Pumpkin Patch is where you need to bring your class or church group for their next fall field trip! Our field trip experience is loaded with lots of fun and hands-on educational experiences. Hank Cayce will give a short 10-15 minute hands-on lesson on how pumpkins and gourds grow, a wagon ride, a stop at the pick your own patch where each student can pick his/her own pumpkin to take home, a walk through one of our mazes, play time in the Corn box and Soybean box. There are things to do for every age and size!!!
Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
All photos and videos within this listing are the property of Cayces' Pumpkin Patch
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  • Family pumpkin patch

    This is a great place to go get pumpkins all diff sizes at good prices starting from .50 to 20 or 30 I go there every year I always love seeing all the pumpkins and they have a corn maze too!! Stop buy if you get a chance if no one is there you can still buy a pumpkin there’s a trust box on the back of one of the posts on the barn you put your money in

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    Posted October 2018

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