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Gratz Park Inn - Real Haunt in Lexington KY

  • 120 W. 2nd St.
  • Lexington, KY
  • (859) 231-1777
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  (2 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging, Real Haunted Places
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Yes - Open To Public
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This historic inn is said to be haunted by apparitions of men, a lady wearing a white dress and hat, and drunk partygoers. A ghostly young girl has also been spotted running and playing jacks in the halls, and an elderly man's spirit is known to turn the TVs on and off. A sad-looking man's apparition has also been seen on the bottom level. Ghosts here are known to make themselves known at all hours of the day and night.
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  • Little girl in the morning

    When I woke around nine in the morning, I heard a child's footsteps running up and down the hall outside. Then the footsteps were walking slowly, very slowly, as if the person were trying to be quiet, toward my bed. I kept my sleepmask on and, for whatever reason, wasn't scared. Odd that I wasn't. But when the steps got right next to my bed, I took off my mask and heard the footsteps quickly running out -- just like a child's. I never saw anything, just heard it. I thought, this old place MUST be on some ghost register! So I took my laptop, looked it u, and sure enough, there it was. I went down to the front desk and told the man there. He said they'd never had a sighting/hearing in room 207 (not sure if that's the right number for here I was) but he'd put it in their record. He pulled out a ledger and recorded it!

    Posted 8/29/21

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  • Nothing

    Stayed 3 nights didn't see anything.

    Posted 11/14/20

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Contact Phone #: (859) 231-1777

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Clicks to Website: 331
Last edit to this listing: 4/28/2017 (2868 days ago)

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