Hotels in Kentucky That are Really Haunted

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There have been a number of strange events reported at this historic guesthouse for Berea College. Some say the site was once part of the Underground Railroad, and an African American boy's apparition has been spotted here. Others say the information is not accurate, and that the hotel wasn't built until after 1900. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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Stories say there is a bloodstain on a carpet here where a woman was stabbed to death. She is said to be one of the two women that were murdered here. Witnesses have reported apparitions and doors slamming on their own. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The Crowne Plaza Hotel used to be known as the Campbell House Inn, and is said to be quite spooky. According to local stories, two women were murdered here, one stabbed on the stairs, and the other shot in a room on the third floor. Witnesses have claimed to see blood stains on the carpet of the stairs where the stabbing took place and doors have been heard slamming shut. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Stories say that a man committed a double murder at this site after finding his wife in a hotel room with another man. He shot and killed them both, and witnesses have reported seeing the spirit of the wife's lover, turning the lights on and off, and wandering around the halls. The motel was seized a few years back by the government for drug offenses and is no longer in operation. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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At this motel, rooms 127 and 129 are rumored to be haunted. Reports include light blue orbs about the size of a softball, feelings of dread, and hair staying raised up on their bodies while in the rooms. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This inn was built by slaves in 1851 and is rumored to be haunted by its original owners, or by soldiers who fought in the Battle of Perryville in 1962. Haunting reports here include knocks on doors when no one is around, footsteps coming from empty rooms, cold spots, phantom perfume scents, eerie lights that appear in photos, and unusual dreams. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Places
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This hotel is housed inside a very old building, dating back to the early 1900s, and there have been a couple of eerie reports on the grounds. TVs are said to turn on by themselves at a very loud volume at about 4 AM and running footsteps have been heard on wooden floors in the hallways, even though the halls are now carpeted. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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A ghostly woman is said to haunt this inn, and is said to walk in high heels through the atrium. Other reports here include unexplained voices, levitating objects, and a man's apparition. A woman has also been heard laughing in Room #216. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The Seelbach Hotel in Louisville is known to be haunted by "The Lady in Blue." Many believe she is a woman that went by the name of Mrs. Patricia Wilson. She is said to roam the halls in search of her husband who never made it to the hotel. Legend says the two were going through a rough patch and wanted to take a vacation to help reignite the flame. Mr. Wilson died in a car accident on... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Places
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This hotel is said to have a haunted floor that is used for storage space. It has been said that Mr. Brown himself has had a suite on the 15th floor, and the elevator is known to stop at it for no reason. Footprints have also been seen walking in the plaster dust on the floor, and one guest staying on the 14th floor reported hearing heavy walking and moving furniture at night in the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Dating back to the 19th Century, this bed and breakfast was originally a church and reports say there are a few unusual things that happen here. The piano has been said to play on its own at night, apparitions have been seen on the stairs, disembodied footsteps and voices have also been heard. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Places
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Legend around this area involves a bride and groom who were on their honeymoon in the 1950s. The bride fell from the cliff after losing her balance, and the spot is now called Lovers Leap. Drivers claim to have hit a woman in a wedding dress, but when they got out to look for her, she was nowhere to be found. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This historic inn is said to be haunted by apparitions of men, a lady wearing a white dress and hat, and drunk partygoers. A ghostly young girl has also been spotted running and playing jacks in the halls, and an elderly man's spirit is known to turn the TVs on and off. A sad-looking man's apparition has also been seen on the bottom level. Ghosts here are known to make themselves known... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Places
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This historic hotel is said to be haunted by a quirky ghost that has been spotted on the staircase and in the dining room. He is known to untie guests' shoes! Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This bed and breakfast once operated as a jail and housed prisoners from 1797 to 1987. It was Kentucky's oldest operating jail complex, and was listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. Some believe the spirits of prisoners linger here, and witnesses have reported hearing disembodied footsteps and people crying. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Places
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The name 'Cave X' came about because there are 4 entrances that meet in the center, like an X. The cave is said to be haunted by two Cherokee lovers and it has been said that warrior Huraken found the cave and its hidden vein of silver, but kept it a secret so that he could use it to make gifts for the chief’s daughter, Manuita. When Huraken didn't come home after battle, Manuita... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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This inn is housed inside a building that was once a high school, and some believe ghostly students are lingering to this very day. The inn supposedly still has lockers and class photos in the hallways, and in these halls, witnesses have claimed to hear unexplained running footsteps, laughter and doors slamming. The lights are also said to turn on and off by themselves. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Places