Dare to Explore Kentucky's Most Haunted Outdoor Locations

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This road is said to be haunted by strange lights that flicker from tree to tree. It has also been said that if you're quiet enough at a certain fork in the road, you may be able to hear someone waking in the woods above the road. There has been a huge shadowed specter spotted several times in the middle of the road and legend says it may be a jealous coal miner who shot and killed... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods) | Real Haunted Roads & Highways
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- 4
Crystal Cave, once owned by Floyd Collins, is said to be haunted by Floyd himself. His ghost has been heard calling for help, and objects have been known to be thrown from an unknown source. African American slave apparitions have also been spotted in the caves here. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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This historic district of Louisville is said to be one of the largest preservation districts and Victorian neighborhoods in the country. There are a number of ghost tours and haunted houses in the area, and locals know of many ghost stories surrounding the section. Some have even called Old Louisville the most haunted neighborhood in America. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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Dating back to 1798, this site was the historic home to Cassius Clay. His father built the home and it is believed to be haunted by Clay himself, his wife and son. Witnesses have claimed to see moving candle lights, hear footsteps, and other mysterious noises, and even smells throughout the home. Piano and violin music has also been heard, and three ghostly apparitions have been... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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Stories surrounding this cemetery say it disappears and reappers in different locations, making it hard to find. Witnesses have reported overwhelming feelings of grief, and have heard music playing, sounds of laughter and screams, and even the sound of something unseen trying to get into the car. Apparitions have also been spotted here, including those of a ghost dog, soldiers, and men... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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There have been reports of apparitions of Confederate soldiers and a woman that paces back and forth at Carrington Rock. Witnesses say the woman eventually throws herself off the edge, screaming as she falls. They've also reported hearing officers calling orders to soldiers, moans, and cries of pain. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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At mile marker 436 on the Ohio River, there have been reports of a number of spirits, possibly of those who have committed suicide or died accidently here over the years. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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- 7
This road is believed to be haunted by a girl who died on the road. Stories say if you put your car in neutral and let it roll downhill, you will see the girl's hand prints on your windshield and feel her pushing your car back. There is also a tunnel on this road that is said to be haunted as well. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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Local stories say a man who was walkign along this road at night saw the transparent white form of a headless horseman, which then followed him home. The ghost was seen by the man's family members, who woke up to find the ghost in their yard, and all the doors in the home wide open. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods) | Real Haunted Roads & Highways
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Some who have visited this park have reported strange figures, eerie noises, disembodied whispers, and an evil spirit that lingers in the woods nearby. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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The hauntings at this tunnel surround a man who hanged himself here years ago, and supposedly the hook still protrudes from which he hung his rope. Witnesses have claimed to see his apparition hanging there or wandering around inside the tunnel. Screams have also been reported. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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The hauntings here involve a young woman who checked into the Harrodsburg Springs Hotel, which stood on the park grounds in the late 1800s, under a false name. She was said to have danced with several partners in the ballroom of the hotel, and simply died in her last partner's arms. Since she used a false name, the hotel staff helf a funeral for her and buried her on the hotel grounds.... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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- 2
The name 'Cave X' came about because there are 4 entrances that meet in the center, like an X. The cave is said to be haunted by two Cherokee lovers and it has been said that warrior Huraken found the cave and its hidden vein of silver, but kept it a secret so that he could use it to make gifts for the chief’s daughter, Manuita. When Huraken didn't come home after battle, Manuita... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)